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Cs301 guess for finals 100% part #1
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Math 603 Guess 100% For finals
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Cs402 Lecture 27,28,29, 30 notes
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Cs301 GDB 100% Sol
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To fulfill the set criterion of termination on the basis of obtained lowest scored in the test with efficiency and effectiveness, I prefer to use heap data structure. Following reasons are being put I on to support my decision: 1. It is a useful data structure when you need to have quick access to the smallest element (lowest score in our scenario) or largest value, the reason is that the element will always be the first element in the array. 2. Useful for priority queues, schedulers (where the smallest item (lowest sore) is desired), etc 3. It can be created in-place from array. 4. Heaps are structures meant to allow quick access to min or max . In our case min: lowest scored In simple words, it is allows to pull out the candidate with lowest score and quickly know the next one has got lowest score or marks
Math603 very imp S/Q for 100% marks in final
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